REFERENCES for the Flyfishing Trivia Quiz

1. Freshwater Fishes of Canada (1979) Scott WB, Crossman EJ. Ministry of Supply and Services Canada.

2. An Introduction to the Study of Insects (1971) Borror DJ, DeLong DM. Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

3. American Fly-Tying Manual (1986) Hughes D. Frank Amato Publications.

4. Trout Fishing (1972) Brooks J. Popular Science Publishing.

5. Selective Trout (1971) Swisher D, Richards C. Crown Publishers.

6. Fly Patterns. An International Guide (1994) Price T. Ward Lock Ltd.

7. Lee Wulff on Flies (1980). Wulff L. Stackpole Books.

8. Flies for Trout (1993) Stewart D, Allen F. Mountain Pond Publishing.

9. Just Fishing (1932) Bergman R. Wm Penn Publishing.

10. A Modern Dry-Fly Code (1950) Marinaro VC. Nick Lyons Books.

11. Tactics on Trout (1969) Ovington R. Alfred A Knopf.

12. Nymphs. A Complete Guide to Naturals and Imitations (1973) Schwiebert E. Winchester Press.

13. The Curtis Creek Manifesto (1978) Anderson S. Frank Amato Publications.

14. Caddisflies (1981) LaFontaine G. Lyons and Burford, Publishers.

15. Biology of Fishes (1979) Bond CE. Saunders College Publishing.

16. Mastering the Art of Fly-Tying (1979) Talleur D. Stackpole Books.

17. The Versatile Fly Tyer (1990) Talleur D. Lyons and Burford, Publishers.

18. Tying and Fishing the Fuzzy Nymphs. Fourth ed.(1988) Rosborough EH. Stackpole Books.

19. AK's Fly Box (1996) Best AK. The Lyons Press.

20. Wet Flies (1995) Hughes D. Stackpole Books.

21. Micropatterns. Tying and Fishing the small Fly (1994) Martin D. Lyons and Burford, Publishers.

22. Trout Flies (1999) Hughes D. Stackpole Press.

23. Salmon Flies. Their Character, Style and Dressing (1978) Jorgensen P. Stackpole Books.

24. Biology of Fishes (1979) Bond C.E. Saunders College Publishing

100. Fly Fisherman
----Hendrickson dun photo: Skaneateles Creek Coapman RJ (Feb 1997 p48)
----Caddis pupa photo: Nopoxy flies Rifchin B (Mar 1997 p64)
----Hexagenia dun photo: Western Hex Fishing Fong M (Jul 1996 p46)
----BWO Spinner photo: The Range of Imitation Hughes D (Dec 1997 p52)
----Cutthroat photo: Saving the West Slope Cutthroat Trout Tuff N (May 1998 p22)
----Light Hendrickson photo: Pennsylvania's Dark Quill Gordon Meck C (May 1998 p46)
----Dark Quill Gordon Spinner photo: Pennsylvania's Dark Quill Gordon Meck C (May 1998 p47)
----Grayling photo: The Alagnak in Spring Combs T (May 1995 p54)
----Striped bass photo: Are Striped Bass Getting Smaller? Phillips J (Dec 1997 p18)
----Psudocloen anoka male spinner illustration: Understanding the Pseudocloens Schwiebert E (Oct/Dec 1979 p81)
----Psudocloen anoka nymph illustration: Understanding the Pseudocloens Schwiebert E (Oct/Dec 1979 p82)
----Caddis nymph/pupa/adult illustration: Muskegon Hatches Richards C (July 1995 p40)
----Sculpin illustration: Fishing Sculpins Whitlock D (July 1994 p37)
101. Fly-Fishing & Fly-Tying
----Black Pennell photo from The Fly for all Seasons Greenhalgh M (Nov/Dec 1992 p39)
----Butcher photo from Textbook Tying Huffer M (Mar 1996 p31)
----Claret Bumble photo from Vintage Clarets Headley S (Jan/Feb 1998 p42)
----Kate McLaren photo from Textbook Tying Huffer M (Jan/Feb 2000 p31)
----Perfection Loop photo from Bankside Telegraph (Sept/Oct 1996 p22)
----Stonefly Nymph photo from Cold Cures Buchanan P (May 1995 p62)

last modified 14/8/01
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Fly Fishing